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Author: Max Weber Stiftung

Trust in Divided Societies

State, Institutions and Governance in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine Abdelhadi Alijla Why do certain divided societies lack trust between their members more than others? Why are divided societies more prone to the collapse of...

Exchange rate increases – Prices follow

Fatih Ermis After remaining stable for over twenty years, the Lebanese currency started deviating from the fixed 1 USD = 1507 LBP exchange rate in September 2019. The relative price stability of the last...

Bell Hunting in Lebanon

Alex Rodriguez Suarez The project I am undertaking at the Orient-Institut Beirut focuses on bell ringing on Mount Lebanon throughout the centuries; two keywords to define it are religious soundscape and material culture. The...

The OIB is back on track

Sarah El Bulbeisi Simultaneously with most European countries, the Lebanese Government has eased the measures initiated to curb the dangers of pandemic spread recently. The reopening of the Beirut airport yesterday July 1 heralds...

Back to a New Normality

Hans-Peter Pökel On March 18 2020, together with some colleagues I returned from Beirut to Germany due to the unexpected circumstances that reminded us of the importance of the smallest and even invisible things:...

Frank Walter Steinmeier zu Besuch am OIB

Der deutsche Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier und Mitglieder seiner Delegation sprachen am 30. Mai 2014 im Orient-Institut Beirut mit libanesischen Gästen über die desolate Lage in Syrien und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Libanon. Der Libanon...