Relaunch of the OIBlog
After the OIBlog Mish ma32ool (“unbelievable”) was first launched in late 2012, we are now relaunching it with a number of changes in structure, focus and content, which will be introduced in this and the following post. This serves two connected aims: to highlight current research at the OIB and to improve the accessibility of different types of information on the blog. This post will concentrate on introducing the structure, while the next post will give an overview over research activities at the OIB and how we are planning to introduce them on this blog.
So far, the OIBlog has presented information on events organized at the OIB, publicized fellowships offered by the OIB, and published articles by researchers from the wider network of the institute. These categories of entries should now be easier to find with the introduction of new headers, which will be briefly explained below.
The header “News” informs about Calls for Papers or Applications (CfP / CfA) connected to the OIB. Henceforth, it will also announce publications of OIB researchers as well as the arrival or departure of researchers. Mostly, practical information about OIB activities and opportunities for participation can be found here.
The second header “OIB Events” brings together all the information relevant to conferences, workshops, and other talks taking place at the OIB. It incorporates also the old headers “Videos” and “Summer school”. Some overlap with the News section obviously remains, but under this header one can follow the progress from the early announcements to descriptions of the events themselves.
The header “OIB Research” is a new addition and will serve primarily as a channel through which ongoing research at the OIB will be shared with a wider community in a timely fashion. It will regularly give insights into doctoral and postdoctoral projects, third-party funded projects, and mid-term research projects of the research associates at the OIB. Thereby we hope to assist in establishing and widening the networks of our doctoral and postdoctoral fellows as well as the research associates by giving more visibility to their respective research projects. Visitors to the blog will also be able to trace the development of projects through different stages.
The final header “Outreach” complements the above. It showcases activities of researchers at the OIB and from among its wider networks that take place outside the institute. Posts will include CfPs for conferences, workshops, or panels at other institutions, which OIB researchers are either organizing or participating in. They also include announcements of publications as well as additional posts, which used to be found under the heading “Articles”.
Together, the sections “OIB Research” and “Outreach” open a window into the research conducted at the OIB. Stay tuned for our next entry on how our research is organized.
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Nadia von Maltzahn (July 27, 2017). Relaunch of the OIBlog. OIB_upclose. Retrieved January 12, 2025 from