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Summer Academy: Our Participants

??????????????????????????We are pleased to welcome our participants for our Summer Academy “Language, Science and Aesthetics – Articulations of Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Modern Middle East, North Africa, South and Southeast Asia“, which will take place 11-19 September 2014 in Beirut.

All participants (in alphabetical order):

Hussein Abdulsater / Assistant Professor, Civilization Sequence Program, American University of Beirut
Thematic Discussion: Renewing Falsafa: Epistemic possibilities and methodological obstacles

Hannah Baader / Permanent Senior Research Fellow Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut/Academic Program Director Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices, Berlin

Monique Bellan / Research Associate, Orient-Institut Beirut
Research Seminar: Between Subjectivity and Objectivity: Talking about art in Lebanon (1920-1970)

Nader el-Bizri / Associate Professor, Civilization Sequence Program, American University of Beirut
Lecture: Ontological-Epistemological Renewals within the Dialectics of Tradition and Modernity? Critical reflections on methodology in the field of ‘Arabic Sciences and Philosophy’
Thematic Discussion: Renewing Falsafa: Epistemic possibilities and methodological obstacles

Nadia Bou Ali / Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at American University of Beirut
Thematic Discussion: Of Mirrors and Words: Arabic and the questions of modernity

Daniel Blanga-Gubbay / Lecturer Political Philosophy, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Brussels
Project: The Experience of the Possible – The possible as an object in Western modernity

Edna Bonhomme / Doctoral candidate, History of Science Program, Princeton University
Project: The Bubonic Plague, Death Rituals and Cemeteries in Eighteenth-Century Cairo and Tunis

Ray Brassier / Associate Professor Of Philosphy, American University of Beirut
Lecture: Deleveling: Against “Flat Ontologies”

Lawrence Chua / Visiting Assistant Professor, school of Architecture, Syracuse University, New York
Project: The Aesthetic Citizen: Leisure architecture and fascism in mid-20th-century Bangkok

Pankhuree Dube / Doctoral candidate, History of Modern South Asia, Emory University Atlanta
Project: Pardhan Gond Aesthetics and the Politics of Authenticity, 1936-2001

Christian Funke / Ph.D. candidate, Islamic Studies, University of Heidelberg
Project: Aesthetic Formations of Political Protest in the Islamic Republic of Iran and its Diaspora (2009-2013)

Jessica Gerschultz / Assistant Professor in the Dep. of African and African-American Studies,
University of Kansas
Project: Decorative Arts of the Tunisian École

Dahlia Gubara
/ Postdoc Fellow, Orient Institut Beirut
Research Seminar: “Situating Science”: the View from Cairo

Hans Harder / Professor of Modern South Asian Languages and Literatures, University of HeidelbergLecture: Lecture: Reading Paratexts: the significance of textual frames
Thematic Discussion: Textual/Artistic Genre, Modernity and Colonial Governmentality

Rattanamol Singh Johal / Doctoral candidate in Art History, Columbia University
Project: The Unresolved Modern in Indian Art

Joya John /Doctoral Candidate in the Dept. of South Asian Languages and Civilizations,
University of Chicago
Project: Bhasa ki ansthirta (The Instability of Language)

Monica Juneja / Professor of Global Art History, University of Heidelberg
Lecture: From the Religious to the Aesthetic image – or the Struggle over Art that offends
Thematic Discussion: Global Art History and the Conceptions of the Local

Gül Kale / School of Architecture, McGill University, Montreal
Project: From Lived Experience to Emotional and Intellectual Knowledge in Early Modern
Ottoman Architecture

Bodhisattva Kar / Senior Lecturer, Dept. of History, University of Cape Town
Lecture: Modernity and Misplacement: A Curious History of Anachronism
Thematic Discussion: Textual/Artistic Genre, Modernity and Colonial Governmentality

Siti Keo / Ph.D. candidate in the Dep. of History, University of California, Berkeley
Project: Understanding Change: Modernity and Urban Life in Sangkum Reastr Niyum
Phnom Penh (1955-1970)

Sami Khatib / Lecturer in media and cultural theory at Freie Universität Berlin
Project: Marx and the Non-European. On the Grammar of ‘Commodity-Language

Stephanie Lämmert / Doctoral Researcher, European University, Florence
Project: Creative Notions of ‘Modernity’ in Shambaa Colonial Court Culture

Stefan Leder / Director Orient-Institut Beirut

Samir Mahmoud / Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at American University of Beirut
Research Seminar: Thematic Discussion: Towards a Phenomenology of Religious Experience in Islam: Issues, aporias and possibilities

 Anne-Marie McManus / Assistant Professor of Modern Arabic literature and Culture, Washington University in St. Louis
Project: Unfinished Awakenings: Nahḍat al Maghrib

Combiz Moussavi-Aghdam / Lecturer at Art University Teheran; Researcher at Academy of Arts, Teheran
Project: Art History and Modern Aesthetics in the Iranian Context

Ertugrul Okten / Edebiyat Facultesi History, 29 Mayis University Istanbul
Thematic Discussion: Of Mirrors and Words: Arabic and the questions of modernity

Abdur Rahoof Otthathingal / Erasmus Mundus graduate fellow, Colonial and Global History division of Institute for History, Leiden University
Project: Travel of Languages, Trans-Formations of Religion: Arabi-Malayalam and vernacular Islam in Malabar, South India, 17th to 20th C.

Maria Elena Paniconi / Lecturer of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Marcerata
Project: Self-portrait as a Young Man – Autobiography, modernity and the aesthetic apprenticeship in the Egyptian experience

Junaid Quadri / Assistant Professor of History and Religious Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago
Project: Transformations of Tradition: Representationalism, the new science and Islamic law

Dhruv Raina / Professor of History of Science and Education at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Research Seminar: Itineraries of Mathematical Knowledge in 19th Century South Asia: The universal and contextual in mathematical practice

Kirsten Scheid / Associate Professor of Anthropology, American University of Beirut
Lecture: Dhawq
Thematic Discussion: Global Art History and the Conceptions of the Local

Malek Sharif / Lecturer at Department of History and Archaeology, American University of Beirut
Research Seminar: Language, Objectivity and Aesthetics in an Autobiography

Kutlughan Soyubol / Doctoral Candidate in History at The Graduate Center, The City University of New York
Project: Possessed Souls, Medical Wars: Madness, religion and modernity in early republican Turkey

Adrien-Paul Zakar / Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Columbia University New York
Project: Spiritualist Geographies and the Invention of Syria (1898-1928)

Florian Zemmin / Ph.D. Candidate, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at University of Bern
Project: The Concept of ‘Society’ in the Mouthpiece of Islamic Modernism, al-Manar (Cairo, 1898–1940)

Chuntian Zhang / Si-Mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, East China Normal University
Project: Subjectivity and Objectivity of Chinese Revolution Discourses: Transcultural Practices in the making of modern China, 1899-1927


Dr. Monique Bellan (Orient-Institut Beirut)

Dr. Miriam Stock (Orient-Institut Beirut)

Dr. Melanie Hanif (Forum Transregionale Studien Berlin)

The Summer Academy

“Language, Science and Aesthetics – Articulations of Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Modern Middle East, North Africa, South and Southeast Asia”

is organized by the

Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB)
Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin

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mstock (July 17, 2014). Summer Academy: Our Participants. OIB_upclose. Retrieved January 13, 2025 from

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1 Response

  1. 03/03/2015

    […] Summer Academy gathered around 35 international participants from various disciplines such as literature, philology, philosophy, history, art history, cultural […]

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